During the French Revolution masons controlled to duped masses of people to murders thousands of thousands of people. Those masons were anti Church, anti-Christs, and anti-God.
In the early 1900's mason socialists took over Mexico in a "revolution" they murdered thousands if not milllions of Catholics both those from the laity and priesthood. Look up Blessed Padre Pro, aka Father Pro, aka Miguel Pro. He was murdered by firing squad because he was a Catholic Priest, a real catholic priest.
Communists(a little more to it than that, look up the real name of Stalin and Lenin) in Russia mass murdered thousands if not millions of Christians throughout Russia during the Bolshevik revolution.
The enemies of the Church, and Christ and hence God have (since specifically the French Revolution) realized they cannot attack the Church and God directly. These enemies have since perhaps 1860 sought out to infiltrate the Church. These enemies include masons, communists, fascists, socialists, talmudists. They sought to infiltrate the Church to destroy it from within and destroy the faith. Think of the from that is dropped into the boiling water, the from will immediately try to jump out. However if you put the frog in room temperature water then slowly increase the heat; the from will be dead before it realizes.
Vatican 2 Council was their victory party so to speak. They infiltrated the Church like vipers. These vipers have murdered the faith of billions of Catholics and most likely doomed them to eternal hell. However there were and are still truly faithful Catholics. Luckily some priests and bishops saw what was happening and fought against the luciferian influence that brought about the newchurch created. Thus the One, Holy, Apostolic, Universal Church founded by Jesus upon the rock of Peter still exists as it will always.
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