Saturday, March 31, 2012

This week has been pretty good

Just guessing, I think I might have been blessed with a few more graces this week. Sure I tanked a test in game theory class. But it's like Father said, You might lose a foot or your house might burn down either way if you are still in a state of grace things will be ok. That test although might prevent me from graduating, my fault really, but in the grand scheme of things that test is insignificant. I hope I can get enough sleep next saturday to drive 50 minutes one way for Easter Midnight Mass.

Monday, March 12, 2012

I'm like a kid in a candy store

still feeling good about my visit to SE indy and northern Kentucky. Mass two days in a row is a rarity

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

VA appointment

Surprisingly my VA appointment today was quite painless. They managed to not hit a nerve when drawing blood so I did not almost pass out this time.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's sad when so many are apostates or nominal catholics

Unfortunately the link shows exactly how bad it is in the novus ordo church. I'm sure that people will likely say, oh it's just those individuals well that happens to be the overwhelming majority in the novus ordo after the Vatican II council.

Mea culpa

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday if Spring Break

It's been a while. Well game theory class is hard. A real challenge. This is my first Lent after having been received in the Church. Fasting is not always easy. At times I wonder, "Did I eat too much?"
Yesterday the tornadoes flew through the SW Indy tristate. I'm going to go ahead and say, I believe the reason the tornados didn't come through town was ask the Blessed Virgin Mary for protections yesterday.