People will refuse to apply beliefs in the criminal justice system and the wall street protests that should be applied to religion. We often say you did the crime do the time right. Well that is exactly the case of Purgatory. We have receive absolution for sins and eventually go to Heaven but there is justice due to God for sins we commit. Whether now or later in Purgatory justice is due. When justice is due we are released. It's odd.
Protestants act like the freebie groups on the occupy protests they want everything for free without the work. Heaven is not free, we must work to get there. Yes, Jesus did die on the Cross so we could go to Heaven it is not automatic. It's often said nothing is free and that is right. Jesus Christ was the Lamb of God, and gave his life on earth, so why is it we seem so unwilling to perform acts contrition, and mortification in thanks to God and to help the souls of Purgatory to be released sooner.
Lets start trying to apply these hypocritical actions to religion, you know the One, Holy, apostolic, universal.
Actually meant lets not be hypocritical and apply actions to both realms.