Friday, November 11, 2011

From Traditio concerning SSPX and the conciliar church.

The highlights of the Bouchacourt report, issued on October 12, 2011, in Spanish, include the following revelations:

The Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, did not attend the Albano meeting. Fellay first placed two conditions upon Williamson's attendance: he had to cease disseminating his weekly bulletins and to keep secret the contents of Benedict-Ratzinger's "Doctrine Preamble" to Fellay's sellout to Newrome. Williamson courageously refused Fellay's imperious attempts to silence him.
Fellay refused to provide copies of the Doctrinal Preamble to the District Superiors, but gave them only his own biased oral summary.
The Doctrine Preamble completely ignored the traditional Catholic principles that had been discussed with Newrome during the preceding two years, but merely stated that the Modernist doctrines of the Second Vatican Council -- the Novus Ordo Mess, religious liberty, collegiality, and false oecumenism ("all religions are equal, we all worship the same god ") -- are in fact traditional!
The Doctrinal Preamble is based on the 1988 memorandum of understanding that was proposed to Archbishop Lefebvre, but Ratzinger's 2011 Doctrinal Preamble is more restrictive against traditional belief and practice.
Ratzinger demands that the Neo-SSPX accept the corrupt doctrines of Vatican II, the corrupt 1992 Novus Ordo catechism, and the corrupt 1983 Novus Ordo "canon law."
Ratzinger demands that the Neo-SSPX recognize the legitimacy of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo "liturgy."
Once the Neo-SSPX is sold out to Ratzinger and his Newchurch, the Neo-SSPXers would be required to swear a Profession of Faith and Oath of Allegiance to the New Order.

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