Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The invalid bogus ordo fake catholic mess

FOUR PRACTICAL RULES TO JUDGE THE VALIDITY OF THE NEW ORDER SERVICES RULE 1. THE NOVUS ORDO SERVICE (SOMETIMES CALLED THE NEW "MASS") IS ALWAYS INVALID. This service was fabricated in 1969 by a Freemason presbyter (Hannibal Bugnini), who wrote an essentially new service based upon Protestant theology and rites. In essence, this is a Protestant service, not a Catholic and Apostolic Mass. Another rite is sometimes used, the so-called "Mass of 1962," which is already half Novus Ordo, as it is the Protestantized transitional service that led up to the full-blown invalid Novus Ordo service of 1969. This is the "Latin Mass" (sometimes wrongly called the "Extraordinary Mass," which is most definitely not the Traditional Latin Mass) that is typically used now in the New Order sect. RULE 2. "ORDINATIONS" PERFORMED UNDER THE NOVUS ORDO ORDINAL OF 1969 ARE ALWAYS INVALID. This Ordinal was fabricated in 1969 by a Freemason presbyter (Hannibal Bugnini), who wrote an essentially new ordinal based upon Protestant theology. Instead of ordaining priests "to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass," as the traditional Catholic ordinal does (whether the ordination took place before or after Vatican II), the New Ordinal merely "installs" presbyters (ministers) "to preside over the assembly of the people" using the invalid Novus Ordo service. In essence, these presbyters are Protestant ministers; they are not priests. RULE 3. A NOVUS ORDO PRESBYTER (MINISTER) CANNOT JUST DECIDE ONE DAY TO CELEBRATE A VALID "LATIN MASS," ANY MORE THAN A PROTESTANT MINISTER CAN DECIDE ONE DAY TO CELEBRATE A VALID "LATIN MASS." He must first abjure the Modernist heresy (defined by Pope Pius as "the synthesis of all heresies"), in which he has been operating, leave the New Order sect entirely. If he now thinks that he has a true Catholic vocation, he must approach a traditional Catholic bishop for traditional training of several years and, if only he is deemed qualified, ordination. (This process parallels what a Protestant must do before being received into the Catholic Church from heresy.) RULE 4. THE NEW ORDER SECT IS PROTESTANT, NOT CATHOLIC, AND TRUE CATHOLICS ARE BOUND TO STAY AWAY FROM IT ENTIRELY. The New Order differs in liturgy, doctrine, and morals from the Catholic and Apostolic Faith of two millennia. New Order institutions and clergy call themselves "Catholic," but that is false. No Catholic can have any part in religious matters with the New Order sect or its clergy, whatever they call themselves, just as one cannot have any part in religious matters with Protestant sects or their ministers. Moreover, the experience of the last fifty years demonstrates clearly that anyone who tries to compromise in any way with the New Order sect ends up being swallowed up in its Modernist heresy.

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