Two things that should guide a person in the Confessional are humility and joy. Does that sound contradictory? Firstly it is an act of humility to go into the Confession. In doing so means that we have committed a sin whether it be mortal or venial. By doing so we have angered God the Father by disobeying his laws, we have caused pain to our Lord Jesus Christ resulting in the five sorrowful mysteries of the Holy Rosary, and we have separated ourselves from the graces of the Holy Ghost. By being humble and going to Confession we acknowledge our faults and misdeeds and seek reparation for them and thus confess them and ask for forgiveness. Humility.
On to joy. We should possess joy in knowing that through God's love for mankind that HE through the Son, Jesus Christ instituted Penance. John 20:23 "Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." Joy should be had knowing that we have a means in which remove the guilt and stain of those sins committed. Through they Power of Keys granted to St Peter and the Holy Catholic Church the bishops and priests have the power to forgive us for sins as alter Christus. Joy.
What should not be forgotten is sorrow in that the sins we commit are not forgiven if we are not contrite. However that is perhaps for another post.
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