Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Looks so familier

Girl in class looks so familiar but I have no clue why

Friday, January 27, 2012

Why the rotten ones live a long time

There are certain individuals of advanced age that have evil intentions. They have been graced with a longer life giving them the opportunity to repent but sadly usually they don't.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I am done with comments in attempt to wake people up

All people want today is to stay in his/her own little Matrix. No one seems to really want the truth. It truly is like the saying you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. I began to get the same typical reaction from the zombies at school today. Funny how cognitive reasoning is emphasized in my major and actual thought generation but trying to actually reason with people it can't be done. If someone actually does want truth and truly intends to seek it out I will then help that person but otherwise...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


So so called studies will claim that baby murder is safer than child birth. Ok what about that little child you wish to murder. Yes that small baby you have condoned to the killing of? You know, the one that you have been charged with the protection of? Shall I mention that it is not safer due to you suffering eternal torture in hell, with Satan laughing at you?

Oh and there is the aspect that the so called American President promotes the human sacrifice of infants, all the while he CLAIMS to be a christian. These people are sick.

I had asked a priest once, "at what point can we no longer separate the person from his/her sins" and he said, "by their fruits you will know them", You Barry Soetoro have made yourself known.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Jewish Talmud Exposed

Another piece of good news

In addition to the positive response to I received in doing my last two class in fall through distance, I also received a letter today saying my state/federal financial aid would be reinstated for this spring semester, WOOHOO. I can't thank the angels and saints that I have asked for prayers for these things. Mostly for GOD for granting me a bit of mercy in regards to this.

Keeping up hope

I may be able to move at the end of summer and lease instead of the end of the fall semester

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Why is it when a man is 'dressed up' he is covered head to toe, yet when a woman is 'dressed up' she wears as little as possible and looks like a streetwalker?

Wake up folks

When will people realize that a politician is not a statesman? Politicians do not care about you, your wife/husband, children born or not. They care about greed and mammon.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

If you told me ten years ago

If you told me ten years ago that in 10 years I would be getting up out of bed at 4:45 am to go to Catholic Mass on a Saturday morning I would likely have said, "pshhh, whatever" and laughed at you. Funny how things work out

Saturday, January 14, 2012

All bits of entertainment aside

Do you worship sports or do you worship Thy lord thy God? Do you worship a man that throws a freaking ball or do you worship the Creator that with thought created the multiverse?

Newest addition to the World Inquisition store

World Inquisition store

Friday, January 13, 2012

Throughout history The catholic faith has squashed pagans

After the pilgrimage to Rome on constant has stood out. The Church, the catholic faith has always squashed paganism. Pagan Rome was the empire at the time in which Jesus walked the earth. We may also look at Our lady of Guadalupe. The Blessed Virgin crushes the serpent beneath her feet. Coincidentally the demon Quatzecoutl(sp) was the main being of worship for pagan Mexico. St Benedict founded his monastery at Montecassino crushing a pagan temple to Apollo.

I guess the point is when will the catholic faith, and the Church crush pagan United States. The US has promoted 'americanism', freedom to worship false religions, satanic religions, violent sports, money, items. The United States also promotes 'tollllerance' of sodomy, homosexuality, fornication, freedom of divorce. Is it time that the united states is crush by divine justice?

Over the Christmas break I received a surprise.

I found out something that was a bit shocking. Now I had been in my parents basement while visiting and noticed on the bookshelf a Douay Reims Bible. You know, the real Bible not the error filled bastardized protestant one. I was perplexed as to why it was there. Well I looked inside and it turns out it was given to my Mom's Mom by my great-grandparents. My great-grandparents were catholic! My grandmother was as it turns out an apostate catholic. It seems a priest back then had said something that my grandmother didn't like. In other words prideful sensibility took over. This was quite a shock to me. Coincidentally if my grandmother had not apostatized I would probably not be here today. Given that my own mother would have been brought up catholic and would have been forbidden to marry my dad, a protestant. Aka mixed marriage.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Vatican Museum, and Vatican Gardens January 5th

Well, now on the Thursday the group went to the Vatican museum and Vatican Gardens. I was happy to see the Sistine Chapel, Raphael's "School of Athens". There were also some good works of St Gregory slaying the dragon. The works of art at the Vatican are priceless. The vatican gardens were also quiet and calm. We Grotto with the Blessed Virgin, and also an old fortification wall built in the 800's! Part of the wall was gone but still it was amazing, it was kinda funny also that there parrots living there.

Montecassino, Italy January 4th

So I'm a little behind at this point, a week to be exact. The visit to Montecassino and the monastery that Saint Benedict founded was great. We were able to visit the Saints burial place however it was off limits at the time so I was not able to even touch the St Benedict medal a new friend gave me to the tomb of Saint Benedict. It is a wonderful place to visit and the reconstruction after the Allies bombed it in WW2 is not really even visible. After that we went back to Rome and the group was able to visit St Paul Basilica outside the Walls. I was happy to do that. St Paul is my Baptismal patron and part of my Baptismal name :D.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Been a little busy

We've been a bit late in getting back to the Centro. I haven't had the energy to post the last couple of nights. I do have gobs of video clips and pictures. We went to Mt Vesuvius today it was quite beautiful there by the sea, and cold.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

St Peter's Basillica, Holy Souls Cathedral and more today.

We got to St `Peters today and went up to the top of the Dome. And we walked all over the place. We got to go to a church dedicated to the Souls in purgatory. `When at st `peter's today I was not happy that of all the places for them to put a Nativity scene the used it to cover up the tomb of `Pope St `Pius X. The modernists obviously did that on purpose. Dinner was awesome! Tomorrow we are going to a Benedictine monastery. The stupid mac won't recognize my camera so I'll have to upload regular pictures on someone elses computer. I'll try to get my video clips up on photobucket.

Monday, January 2, 2012

In Rome safe and sound

Safe in Rome. We went to `palatine hill today and looked at some old ruins. Had some real italian pizza today and it was gooooood. Pasta starter for dinner, followed by sliced breaded and fried turkey, then some awesome fried/baked potato bits, followed by ice cream. We also walked around the Colosseum. Tomorrow is a lengthy day at Vatican City.